Holy Spirit2024/05/29 9:11pm3 min read

The Battle Between St. Micheal And The Devil

In the vast expanse before creation, where only divine light existed, legend tells of a celestial war. Here, St. Michael, the warrior angel, and Lucifer, the most radiant of all angels, clashed in the first battle between good and evil. The Rebellion and the Fall: Lucifer, meaning "light-bringer," w...
Gary Lee2024/05/29 8:03pm4 min read

A Little Perspective On St. Micheal The Archangel

His Appearance Descriptions of St. Michael's appearance aren't found in the Bible. Instead, we rely on artistic interpretations throughout history to depict him. The most common portrayal shows St. Michael as a warrior angel, clad in armor and wielding a sword and shield. He's often depicted in the ...
Gary Lee2023/05/26 9:56pm3 min read

The Evil One

The Evil One The concept of the devil varies across different religious and cultural beliefs. In many monotheistic religions, such as Christianity, Islam, and Judaism, the devil is often depicted as a malevolent supernatural being who opposes God and tempts humans towards evil or sin. Here are some ...

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